The entire reason I named my blog what I did was a tongue in cheek reference to the fact that I have quite the zoo going on behind these walls.

Boy has had a pet of his own going on two years now and he is getting quite adept at caring for the critter. This would be a reptile, a species masculine Hubby finds "creepy". We first acquired a Bearded Dragon when Boy was just 9 years old. He earned the privilege by keeping his room clean for 4 weeks straight! I was so impressed! At first he wanted a frog. But frogs don't take kindly to being handled so we decided a Bearded Dragon would suit our needs to "cuddle" and care for.
I had to learn a lot about these guys to make sure he lived. So far, so good! (First try ended disastrously as James, the cat, wanted to play too...)

Just last week I would have added bunnies to the mix. But sadly, Duke and an unknown but highly suspected accomplice did them in. It was a tragedy, and Girl is not ready to make any sudden moves in the new pet department.
And don't forget the buffalo! We have three. Hubby uses them for training his horses to watch cattle. Buffalo are very useful and much less expensive to keep around for this purpose, if indeed you can keep them around! That can be a little challenging, to say the least. We refer to our girls as Charlie's Angels. There is Jaquelyn, Farrah and Kate, and each seem to do their job just as the show depicted. One is rather smart, one a bit silly and one is very quick and athletic. Funny how names work...
We are a varied and interesting pet zoo here. I love them all. I would have birds as well, and many more dogs, maybe a Guinea pig or hamster for Girl, and I NEEEEED a Chinese pug... Hubby keeps my Critter Keeping tendencies to a minimum. All for the best, I am sure. He usually knows my insanity runs deep and how best to curb my destruction. I just wish he would give in on the pug... sniff.
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