Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I'm baaa-aaack!

Well, sort of! I have a ton of work to do, so the projects and fun blogging have to hold for a day or so, but I just couldn't wait to share some good news!

I have a new dog! His name is Pogo and is a "rescue" of sorts. See, I filled out the application for National Mill Dog Rescue Network, knowing that I am a long shot because I do not have a fenced back yard. My mother has volunteered for them for over a year (might be shorter... I cannot remember!). I was lamenting the fact that breeders charge so much for their dogs and I didn't really want a show dog. I know I could have gone to the humane society, but you get no history with that kind of drop off. Mom told me about the possibility of getting an older dog with the NMDR, so I thought, what the heck... I'll give it a try!

Well, the lady who sets up the home checks had a personal dog that she felt needed a different environment. She is a computer geek (like me) and doesn't get out of the house much, and a Sheltie like Pogo needs lots of activity. She saw my application and figured she would gamble on giving me a quick picture and an email. I fell in love right away!

He came, he saw, he got along well with my other dog and he captured my kids' hearts! He even gets the thumbs up from the Hubby! He is a cuddler at night, entertains the kids in the am before school and seems to be doing really well in our home!

I just had to share a pic!


  1. Oh WOW he is a cutie pie... and shelties are the best dogs, so loving and loyal. I am so happy for you.

  2. Pogo is gorgeous, and he looks soooo smart. Yea for you and for Pogo too!

  3. Ahh omgosh what a cutie. I can't wait to meet the new addition. Millie would certainly like a play date <3

  4. I really like Shelties because they are so darn smart. They love to jump and play and this one looks like he's ready for action. I think Jewel would have approved.

  5. You get extra double bonus kudo points for saving the life of a rescue dog! Good for you! And Pogo looks amazing, very very sweet...


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