Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The ugliest plant ever has bloomed!

Yes, I have more than once considered throwing it out... The plant, not the cat.  The cat would and has come back.  As you can see the plant is just not one of those Ooooh Ahhhh kinds of plants.  It is straggly and ragged and very ahem - well, different!

The last time I seriously considered throwing it out, my best girlfriend told me "NO! Don't give up! You just haven't found its happy spot... Let's try here!"  And she moved his little stand to the very place you see it now.  I tossed it water on occasion...  I even fertilized it every now and then.  Not because I have any kind of love for the thing, I simply had extra left in my can.  It has been here over a year, virtually unnoticed.

Quite the sweet little blossoms, don't you think?  I sure do!  The plant is still hideous, if you ask me.  But the fact that it is finally happy enough to send me an encouraging little flower - Well that seals its place by the back door for as long as I can keep it alive.  So actually, no promises!

As for the cat... Well, he's a keeper!

1 comment:

  1. it is a really pretty little blossom you have to admit. I have a peace lily that I'm having a love hate relationship with, hubs says it's a woman!
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