Simple things that make my heart smile - Right out loud!
~Hugs. From Hubby, Girl, Boy or my bestest bud... Delish!
~The smell of Orange Oil. Miss you, Grandpa!
~Lunch with someone I love.
~Flank steak and Poblano Peppers. Whoa!
~Hubby's arm around me and smiling into my eyes - Absolute euphoria!
~Pogo's warm body on the bed while I sleep without Hubby.
~Just enough to be grateful for, not enough to take for granted...
~Buying a little gift here and there to let someone know I recognize who they are and I love them anyway!
~My card room, the apex of my creativity!
~A hot cup of coffee in the wee hours
~Gas in the car and time to visit on the Holidays
~Texts from my siblings
~The green smell of potted tomato plants still producing fruit!
~Gluten Free Banana muffins that aren't dry or powdery
~Knowing that God isn't missing - I just have to open the door to the Living Room!
What a wonderful list of things to be thankful for!